We had a great opportunity to work closely with the Ultra agency in helping to shape the back panels on General Mills cereal boxes for an augmented reality experience. For this short campaign, both the exclusive comic inside and the movie focuses on Batman and Superman rescuing kids and other people from harm's way. This plays perfectly into the premise of both the back panel and the Blippar experience. Even with the interactive quiz made up of simple mechanics, augmenting the cereal packaging into a 3D city adds an entertainment factor that works immensely for this younger target audience. AR campaign was present across all 5 General Mill cereals: Cocoa Puffs, Honey Nut Cheerios, Trix, Lucky Charms, and Golden Grahams. Credits Lead Developer: Hermes Frangoudis 3d Generalist / Designer: JoAnn Kang Creative Director: Brian Morales